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Bell Schedule
Budget Overview for Parents 2023-24
SB75 Complaint Notice/Form
Distance Learning
School Calendar 2023/24
Iftin Pledge
PS Parent Portal
Rosetta Stone
Board Meeting Agendas
SARC 2021-22
Common Core Standards
Test Admin-Interface
CAASPP/ Training
EPA Expenditures 2020-21 and 2021-22
EPA Resolution 2019-20
EPA 2018-19 Estimate
EPA 2017-18 Actual
EPA 2017-18 Estimate
EPA 2016-17 Actual
EPA 2016-17 Estimate
EPA 2015-16 Actual
EPA 2015-16 Estimate
EPA 2014-15 Actual
EPA 2014-15 Estimate
Uniform Complaint Policy
Teacher of the Month
Title III LEA Plan
Title III Budget
LEA Plan
LCAP 2017-18
LCAP 2016-17
LCAP 2015-16
LCAP Survey
Internet Use Agreement
Employment Opportunities